Making Your Backyard a Magnet for Birds

One of the most often asked questions about birds is, "How do I attract more birds to my backyard?".

In this guide, we'll explore practical ways to attract more birds to your backyard, focusing on the types of plants, trees, shrubs, and food that will make your outdoor space a haven for our feathered friends.


Trees, and Shrubs

bird water garden

Birds are naturally drawn to environments that offer abundant food sources and shelter.

By incorporating native plants into your backyard, you create a welcoming habitat that supports local bird populations.

Native plants provide familiar food sources like berries, seeds, and nectar, which attract birds naturally adapted to these resources.

Additionally, diverse plant species promote a healthier ecosystem and encourage a greater variety of bird species to visit your backyard.

The right vegetation can provide birds with shelter, nesting sites, and food sources.

Here are some suggestions for plants, trees, and shrubs that will attract birds to your backyard:

Trees: Plant a mix of deciduous and evergreen trees to provide year-round shelter and nesting sites. Examples include oak, maple, and pine trees.

Shrubs: Dense shrubs and bushes offer protection from predators and harsh weather. Examples include Holly, juniper, and viburnum.

Flowering plants: Nectar-producing flowers attract hummingbirds and other nectar-feeding birds. Examples include trumpet vine, bee balm, and salvia.

Types of Food:

Providing a variety of food sources will attract a diverse range of bird species. Here are some food options to consider:

different bird seed types

Seed: Offer a mix of seeds, such as sunflower, safflower, and nyjer, to attract seed-eating birds like finches, sparrows, and cardinals.

Suet: Suet is a high-energy food made from animal fat, which attracts woodpeckers, nuthatches, and chickadees.

Nectar: Sugar water or nectar can be provided in hummingbird feeders to attract hummingbirds and orioles.

Fruit: Offer fresh or dried fruit, such as berries, raisins, and orange slices, to attract fruit-eating birds like robins and waxwings.

Mealworms: Live or dried mealworms are a favorite food for insect-eating birds, such as bluebirds and wrens.

Additional Tips: In addition to providing the right plants and food, consider these tips to make your backyard even more bird-friendly:

Water: Provide a clean, shallow water source, such as a birdbath or small pond, for birds to drink and bathe in.

Don't forget, all birds need water year-round, so a heated birdbath will draw more birds.

wren house

Nesting boxes: Birds need secure spaces to rest, nest, and seek protection from predators and the elements.

Incorporate a variety of nesting options into your backyard, such as birdhouses, nesting boxes, or even natural nooks and crannies in trees or shrubs.

Research the specific nesting requirements of different bird species in your area to ensure you provide suitable options.

Avoid placing nest boxes too close together to prevent territorial disputes among birds.

Bird feeders: Supplement natural food sources with bird feeders strategically placed throughout your backyard.

Choose feeders that cater to different species, such as tube feeders for finches, hopper feeders for larger birds, and hummingbird feeders for those little acrobats.

goldfinches at feeder

Use a variety of bird feeders, such as tube, platform, and hopper feeders, to accommodate different bird species and feeding preferences.

Keep cats indoors: Cats are a significant threat to birds, so keep your feline friends indoors to protect your backyard visitors.

Conclusion: Attracting More Birds

By incorporating a variety of plants, trees, shrubs, and food sources into your backyard, you can create a welcoming environment for a diverse range of bird species.

With a little effort and planning, you'll be able to attract more birds to your backyard all year round. Happy birdwatching!