Wild-Bird-Watching Blog - Discovering the Birds of our own Backyards

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Do Mourning Doves Mourn the Loss of Their Baby

I awoke in the early morning to find that a bird had made a nest in my pine tree near my deck. I could only think of previous years when this had happened,

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Hanging Planter - Returning Doves Become More "Friendly"

Greetings from a pair of semi-old PA bird-brains. We have a little story for you that goes something like this: Here in Pennsyltucky, we have a few hanging

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Robin Built Nest On My Bird Feeder: Should I Move It?

I love watching birds and have many bird feeders and houses on my property. I have a robin that has used a nest on my house for several years, but it

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A Snake Got My House Wrens, So Sad

I so much enjoy the wrens that visit my backyard and build their nests in my wren houses but this year was not good. Bird Feather in the Opening The wrens

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No Luck Attracting Bluebirds and Then

When we first moved to our home, we saw bluebirds. They came for two years in a row, but we hadn't seen any for the eight years since then. I tried

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Robin's Nest and Eggs Attacked by Cat

One baby robin had hatched that day

I had the most beautiful Robin's nest in my rhododendron bush. I watched daily as it had 3 beautiful blue eggs in it. I watch Mommy and Daddy taking

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That Is Not My Baby Bird

One day a couple of years ago, my daughter called me in a panic. She had found a baby bird that had fallen out of a nest and her cats were trying to

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Wrens Choose Gourd For Nesting

Wrens Choose Gourd Birdhouse

Each year we put up several birdhouses, and each year the wrens seem to love this gourd! We first noticed the wrens in our yard of course because of their

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Strange Brown Pebble Like Things in Bluebird Nest

We put up our first blue bird house this spring and by May we had a beautiful family making their nest. It was so exciting watching them, mostly the

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Mourning Doves and Fledgling on Deck Ledge

We camp up in Wisconsin where our travel trailer sits in a campground. The kids and I went into town and came back to two doves on the deck ledge. We

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