Northern Cardinal Nest: A Home For Baby Cardinals

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When Northern Cardinal's begin building nest, it signals the start of of the breeding season and the possibility of adding more of these loved birds into our shared world.

In this article we'll discuss the Northern Cardinal's nests, the materials they use, the nest-building process, and where you're likely to spot them.

cardinal nest with two nearly fledgling aged chicks in nest

Cardinal Nest with 2 Baby Cardinals

Materials Used

Northern Cardinals are resourceful builders, they use a variety of materials to build their cup-shaped nests.

One of the primary components is twigs, carefully selected for their flexibility and durability.

These form the basic framework of the nest, providing the necessary support for the structure.

The birds also incorporate leaves, grass, bark strips, and even pine needles to create a comfortable inner layer, ensuring a proper environment for their cardinal eggs and, later, baby cardinals.

Additionally, the female cardinal may include feathers, often plucked from her own body, to add a layer of insulation.

The feathers help regulate the temperature within the nest, keeping the eggs and later, the young birds warm during cooler periods.

In suburban areas, man-made materials may be included in building the nest. Some things I've found are strips of paper, cellophane, and bits of string.

How Cardinals Build Their Nest

The construction of a Northern Cardinal's nest is a process that involves both members of the cardinal pair.

The female usually takes the lead, carefully arranging the twigs to form the outer layer of the nest.

The male assists by protecting both the female and nesting territory from rival Cardinals.

Once the basic structure is in place, the female takes on the interior design, weaving softer materials like leaves, grass, and pine needles to create a cup-shaped nest.

This weaving helps strengthen the nest, ensuring it can withstand the elements and support the weight of the growing family, including baby birds.

How Long Does It Take to Build?

The timeline for nest building varies, but on average, a female Cardinal will take about 7 to 12 days to build the nest.

The process can be influenced by factors such as the availability of materials and the skill and experience of the birds.

Some may complete their nests more swiftly, while others may take a bit longer.

Dimensions of a Cardinal Nest

The outside diameter of a Northern Cardinal's nest is typically about 6 to 8 inches (15 to 20 centimeters).

The inside diameter, which represents the space where the eggs and later the chicks are accommodated, is around 3 to 4 inches (7.5 to 10 centimeters).

Keep in mind that the size of the nest may depend on factors such as the specific materials used, the age of the birds constructing the nest, and environmental conditions.

Likely Places to Find a Cardinal's Nest

Northern Cardinals are adaptable birds and can be found in a variety of habitats, from forests and woodlands to suburban gardens and parks.

When it comes to selecting a nesting site, they show a preference for dense shrubbery or thickets.

Shrubs, bushes, and tangled vines provide the perfect cover and protection for their nests, keeping them concealed from predators and potential threats.

Keep an eye out for well-hidden nests nestled in the forks of small branches, usually positioned at a moderate height above the ground.

Cardinals are known for their resourcefulness, and it's not uncommon to find nests in unexpected places, such as the tangles of climbing vines.

The thick foliage and surrounding areas provide an ideal backdrop for their nesting habits.

Role of Male and Female in Nest Building

male cardinal feeding female at nest

Mate Feeding - Male Cardinal Feeding Female on Nest

As stated earlier, the female takes primary responsibility for nest building, the pair selects the nest site as a team.

You may also see the male occasionally bring material and place it in the nest, but it is the female that will shape the nest bowl.

When it comes to incubating the eggs, the female incubates and broods the young when they first hatch. Both birds will feed the baby cardinals after hatching.

Do Cardinals Reuse the Nest?

After successfully raising their first brood, the cardinal pair will not reuse the nest. Instead, new nests are built in a different location for second broods.

It's not uncommon for the female to begin a new nest while the male is still feeding the first fledglings.

The decision for the second nest is likely influenced by factors such as hygiene, structural integrity, and the availability of nesting materials.

Seasonally, the same location may be used as the old nest will have deteriorated.

Food Sources and Nesting Habits

During the cardinal breeding season, the cardinal couple seeks out suitable nesting sites with abundant food sources nearby.

They can be attracted to areas with bird feeders stocked with black oil sunflower seeds, a preferred food source for these non-migratory birds.

Additionally, water sources play a crucial role, ensuring the availability of hydration for the nesting pair.

Watch To Learn

As you explore the outdoors, keep an eye out for these structures, hidden in the foliage, waiting to shelter the next generation of Northern Cardinals.

Observing from a distance the construction and location of these nests provides a glimpse into the lives of these birds, adding appreciation for the wonders of nature that is in our own backyards.

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