Bird Poems - About Singing, Flying, Crows, Cardinal Haiku and Styles of Poetry Writing Original Authors

Below is a compilation of bird poetry covering different topics such as singing in the morning and flying.

Some poems are about a single bird while others include many different birds and their songs.

Two authors contributed to this page and their names are above the titles. Enjoy their work


By R. Moore - Australia

They wait for me,

Wrapped in thick, jet-black coats

Of feathers

Their eyes, they look

Straight through me

See my darkest secrets

Know what I think.

But when I step outside,

They flee screaming

In their harsh piercing voices

Determined to hide from me

But they hold no secret

They don't mean to scare

It's not their fault

They're the way they are.

A bird haiku sampler...

By Joseph Kozlowski

geese in flight formation

Canada Geese

Canada Geese land

on the pond as if eager

to learn ice skating

Bird Evolution

evolution in action

sparrows filching food

from the finch feeder


birds on window ledge

inform us October is

fill the feeder time

Another Perspective

high in Yellowstone

watching the hawk slowly glide

far far down below

Red-Winged Blackbird - Poem

By Joseph Kozlowski

Red-winged Blackbird

With wives' all speckled brown,

Nesting near the water,

Never near the town.

Red-winged Blackbird

Living in the field,

Why not the forest,

Which offers better shield?

Red-winged Blackbird

Flying through the sky,

Your colors are so vivid,

They seem to come from dye.

Symphony At Dawn

By Joseph Kozlowski

western meadowlark

Slowly waking to cacophony,

The pre-concert

Tuning of a symphony.

Then silent pause, pre-syncopation,

To build what's now

Our anticipation.

Sir Cardinal takes the opening bar.

Calling his wife,

Who responds from afar.

Repeating notes like a fine-tuned string,

He corresponds

To a fine violin.

Robin's come, she's trilling Ola,

Adding much,

With her viola.

Mourning Doves are more like cellos,

A supporting cast

Of charming fellows.

Blue Jays' more a musical riddle,

Do they play brass,

Or more bass fiddle?

The shiny section starts en masse,

As Grackles screech

Like a hinge of brass.

Starlings add discordant notes,

As a little flock

Above us floats.

Hermit Thrush acts the hobo,

With perfect pitch,

On his solo oboe.

It's often nice to add a singer,

And Wood Thrush alto,

Is a real humdinger.

Nothing like a finale drummer,

And "Woody" throbs

Like a frenzied plumber.

Rainbow Birds

By Joseph Kozlowski

Red: Red-"tinged" Blackbird sippin' near the
Scarlet Tanager who's not The Pimpernel,
Red-breasted Nuthatches, a downward batch,
And fidgety Mr. Cardinal with his red thatch.

Orange: Black-headed Grosbeak's good for hobnobbin',
Then I'm bobbin' with the orange red Robin,
Baltimore Oriole's out for a spin,
Know the name of his Northern twin?

Green: The Green-winged Teal with speculum flashing green,
Glossy Ibis who likes to preen,
Mrs. Western Tanager, nicknamed Olive and somewhat restive,
With friend Mr. Mallard and his head that's festive.

Blue: Beautiful Eastern Bluebird floats o'er a bay,
While good old Blue Jay's raucous some say,
Mountain Bluebird's graceful I've heard,
And Indigo Bunting is an awesome bird.

Yellow: Yellow-breasted Chats, which actually croak,
Black-headed Grosbeak is quite the bloke,
Cousin Evening Grosbeak has moved to the east,
But the "wild canary" is not a beast.

Purple: Poor Purple Martin's more a steely blue,
But let's not forget the Purple Gallinule.

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Heated Pedestal Baths

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Heated Ground Bath
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