Wren nest Christmas Wreath

by Frances J. Middleton
(Little Rock, Arkansas)

Wren Nest in Wreath,

I'm usually slow to remove my Christmas Wreath.

For a couple of years now, there is a wren who makes a nest in it. The wreath hangs on my front security door/glass.

house finch and 2 cowbird eggs

Finch Nest with 2 Cowbird eggs

Well, I noticed that a wren would fly around when I open the door, not knowing there was a nest until I peeked from inside the house.

This year, there were 2 eggs, then 3, then 5, then 6. Pretty little eggs.

I also have a pigeon nesting in a hanging basket on my front porch too. I can't see its eggs, just the bird.

I love it. I love watching birds.

Can't wait til they begin to hatch. Hate to see them leave!

I have made a gourd into an area for nesting, but don't see anything in it yet.

I want to make it ready for birds to nest in. I want to make a home for Purple Martins to live.

Any ideas would help.

Frances J. Middleton Little Rock, AR

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Ceramic Birdhouse
by: Gene

Hi Frances,

Regarding the ceramic birdhouse, if there is a way to clean it out after the birds leave you can use it without a problem.

If it can't be cleaned there's a chance it can harbor parasites that will be harmful to future broods.

If you decide to use the birdhouse, place it in the shade so that it doesn't get too hot for the baby birds.

A baffle above if hanging in a tree or a baffle below if mounting to a post to prevent snakes and opossums from getting to the birds should be used.

You can search Amazon for a birdhouse or bird feeder baffle if you're unsure what that is.

House Wrens would probably use it.

PS. I edited your email address by adding spaces. Bots will harvest it and you'll get a ton of spam if I left it live.

Hope this helps.

Christmas wreath bird nesting.
by: Frances

Thanks for clarifying my bird eggs. They are
at it again - for the past 4 days, there has been
an egg laid.

There are 4 eggs (as of 3-23-23). I'm sure that there will be more. I love that they came back.

I have a little ceramic birdhouse to hang, but I don't know if any of them will use it. Help me! Advice, please!

Thank You
Frances Middleton
francesjm27 @ gmail. com

A Couple of Corrections
by: Gene

Thanks, Frances for your story. There are a couple of miss identifications that should be clarified for other readers.

First, the nest and light-colored eggs are from House Finches. Both Carolina Wrens and House Finches are known to nest in door wreaths.

My daughter leaves her wreath up until after the nesting season. She then cleans it and stores it until the holidays.

Every season she gets nesting House Finches and her young children get to watch the event.

Second, the large heavily speckled eggs are Cowbird eggs. Cowbirds lay eggs in nests of other birds and build no nest of their own.

Third, the bird in the hanging basket is a Mourning Dove. Similar to the pigeon and related but a Dove.

Enjoy your birds.

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