Wren Nesting In Birdfeeder
by Cynthia Lantz
(Decorah, IA )
Earlier this spring I found a few twigs in my birdfeeder just off the deck.
I cleared them out without thinking about it but later realized it must have been the beginnings of a wren nest.

Nest in Bird Feeder
I didn't want them nesting there in my main feeder, and I have other houses up for them, so I kept the feeder full.
The wren was still singing and I saw him going into the wren house nearby, so I thought he was happy with his new situation.
While I was away for several days on business travel, the wren filled the birdfeeder with sticks because the person I had hired didn't keep it full of seed.
I didn't want to destroy the nest so I left the sticks and occasionally lifted the feeder lid to check on it.
Eventually, the wren began adding a softer lining and I knew the eggs would be coming.
But instead, a raccoon visited the feeder, lifted the lid, and tore apart the nest.
The wren was back the next day, perching nearby and singing his little heart out.
He went back and forth from the feeder to the other wren house, and for some time there was no sign of rebuilding the nest.
I fastened a bungee strap around the feeder to keep the raccoon from being able to lift the lid and waited.
Finally, after 3 weeks, the wren began adding softer grasses to line the nest and shape it for the eggs.
Today there are 2 eggs in the nest!
I'm hoping the raccoon will be kept out of the feeder and nest, and that I can watch the wren family as they grow.