Window With A View of Robins
by Tammi Morgan
(York, PA (USA))
Tammi Morgan shares here experience watching a Robin nest up close through her window in full view. See what she has to say. Share your thoughts below.
Robins Nesting Outside Window
Several weeks ago I had the pleasure of watching a family of baby Robins as they nested right outside my window.
When I say outside my window, I mean exactly that.
It's like an aquarium where I can stand there and view what's inside only it's a nest and baby birds!

Baby Robins Ready to Leave Nest
The robins nest is within the bush in front of my house that is of course in front of my window.
The entire bush is pretty secluded except for this area that allows me a clear sight without distraction of the nest and all that happens within.
At first I tried to take pictures through the window but between the flash and the screen they were not clear.
I then opened the window, removed the screen, and got some awesome pictures... with my camera on my phone!!!
Two weeks ago I saw the three birds take flight for their first times. Actually I saw 2 of the 3.
The third baby robin remained in the nest for an extra day and mom continued to feed it.
I also got to watch her as she maintained watch of her newly flying babes as they ended up flying from the front yard to the back.
I was interested and amazed to see that the male robin also seems to feed and take care of the babies as well as mom and both seem to watch over them as they enter into the world.
I'm a newbie to this information as you can probably tell.
Nevertheless I'm absolutely fascinated and captivated now of these Robins.
When the empty nest was left behind I actually understood the meaning of "empty nest syndrome" as I glanced from time to time at the empty nest out my window.
Thinking the nest would remain empty until next year I was absolutely shocked to look out my window this morning and see four brand new blue eggs.
And yes I did take more pictures! (Are you kidding me!? This is a perfect window with a view!).
So knowing nothing previously about Robins I have come to this site to learn of their
nesting habits.
In doing so I saw this opportunity to share. I wish I could upload more than one picture because I have so many.
Also the eggs are gorgeous in the nest and I got a great shot today.
The picture has captured their beauty.
I hope that this time I will see the babies hatch.
Now I'm off to read this website to learn more about the nesting habits of these sweet little birds and my new extended family!