Robins Nesting on Our Ladder

by Amy LaViolette
(Worcester, Massachusetts)

Obviously, living in Massachusetts, we see Robins all year long.

We've had a fair amount of nests in the trees around my house and my yard.

Last year, a Robin built her nest two feet from my door and she complained every time I walked outside or came back in.

robin nest built on ladder

Robin Nest on Ladder with Eggs

I would tell her to hush and eventually, we shared the space, she'd just sit on her eggs while I was on my porch reading.

She also was a blessing in the form of a spider eater, since spiders seem to love my door and porch. She was well-fed last year.

This year, one Momma Robin chose the ladder hanging on the side of the house under the porch.

She and Dad would dive-bomb me as I would walk up the driveway to get to my car but I'd just tell them to shush, I wasn't hurting their babies.

baby robins in nest

Baby Robins Waiting to be Fed

My sister Jeanne and I were able to capture some great pictures while Mom & Dad were out hunting for food.

They definitely keep track and monitor anyone or anything walking by their brood.

This particular brood never peeped, we saw them starting to flap their wings and one day the nest was just empty.

mom robin checking on young in nest

Mom Robin Checking In

We have feral cats in the field behind the house and we've seen a group of four or five Robins congregating in the same area so I'm hoping they survived.

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Less Robins Now
by: Itasara

That's really neat that you can find those nests even on a ladder. I was hoping to get a nest in our yard this year.

We had to last year but I just don’t see as many this year.

There were some in May but not so many in the past two or three weeks. Around the corner on our walk there were more robins.

One is under one of those little red berry bushes, And we saw a Robin pick a red berry up from the ground.

I tried to attract Robins to build a nest this year and I think they could build one in a pine tree which I thought was kind of rare because when spring came we had no leaves which were extremely late this year.

I hear Robins singing nearby but nothing really close by now.

Usually by August they totally have disappeared from the neighborhood But it isn’t even July yet!

I threw out mealworms and a few blueberries in the beginning and had a few Robins come my way but as I said, few lately. They are my favorite bird!

Another Robin Ladder Nest
by: Josee

robin nest build on top of ladder

Three years ago this mama robin built her nest just over my back door, perched on my motion sensor flood light.

Last year the light finally gave and it pulled it right out of its socket.

That not being an option this year, she found a new strange spot to build.

Not the sturdiest of perches as one good wind gust could topple the ladder, but she is still there, brooding like a pro.

Protecting her young from the multitude of squirrels and blackbirds that live and play in and around my backyard.

I love watching them in action and will prepare an official and safe Robin's perch for years to come.

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