Robins in a garden hose

by Lisa
(Lancaster, MA, USA )

Robin Nest on Garden Hose

Robin Nest on Garden Hose

Robins Nest in Unusual Places

On a Sunday afternoon in May, I was puttering about the backyard when I saw a baby rabbit hop behind our garden shed.
4 baby robins in a nest built on a garden hose

4 Baby Robins in Nest

I followed it and was completely surprised to find a robin's nest was built in the coil of two wound garden hoses hanging from a ladder. The ladder was balanced on the top of an old dog kennel we used to use.

I walked over to see the nest and it was empty. The very next day I went back and there was one beautiful blue egg.

On Tuesday there were two eggs. Wednesday, no change but on Thursday, there were four!

I checked the nest daily and it remained at four.

It seemed like no time at all when I popped over to find that all four eggs had hatched and the mother was not happy with my visit!

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I continued to check on the nest every other day or so for two weeks, watching the robins grow.

The mother would dive-bomb me and squawk her head off so I would take a quick photo and get away.

To this day, we've never had such an unusual spot chosen in our yard, and we've had several nests in the past. All of them were in my lilac bush.

I hope you enjoy the photos.

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Robin Nest On Garden Hoe

by Kathy Iredale
(Port Angeles, WA)

Mom (or Dad) sitting on nest

Mom (or Dad) sitting on nest

My husband first found the nest. He would walk out through our gate to his pick-up and wonder why Robins were diving him.

Then one day he noticed straw hanging down from his tools that were hung on the side of his garage. He looked up and to his surprise there was a nest.

Once we knew the nest was there we tried hard not to go in the back yard. We didn't want to scare them away. That was impossible of course.

We did wait until the nest was empty whenever possible. It did seem like they got use to us coming and going as they didn't fly away as much.

Eventually my curiosity got the best of me and I had to see how many eggs were in the nest. First I just laid a ladder against the garage. Then I waited a couple days and climbed up to have a look.

My husband told me I shouldn't but if I had to to make sure I didn't touch the nest or eggs. I told him I was smart enough not to do that. There were 3 blue eggs inside.

Then we waited and waited. So afraid mom hadn't sat on the eggs enough because of us. One day I looked out our bathroom window and either mom or dad was in the nest and there was this little creature with the biggest mouth wide open.

It was the best thing ever. Once again I had to climb the ladder. This time to make sure there were 3 babies. There were.

It was so cool watching these little babies. Then we went camping for a week. Got back today and the nest is empty.

We know very little about birds. I have a bird feeder outside our living room window and I also put feed on the window ledge. It's like having an ever changing bird cage.

We also have a hummingbird feeder but that's the extent of it. Will our birds come back to use this nest again? I need to know if I have to start saving to buy my husband new tools.

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Robins In My Heart

by Grammie
(Middletown VA)

Stealing Our  Hearts

Stealing Our Hearts

Every year in the spring I get wrens that nest in a mail basket on my back porch and if that's not enough they have taken to nesting in my hanging baskets.

The grandchildren and I love to watch them and at this time I have 1 nest with 2 eggs in it.

The word must have spread because now I have a pair of robins nesting in a double heart grapevine wreath as well, the eggs have hatched, 3 out of 4 and they are such much fun to watch.

The female will nest and feed while we are on the porch but the male will always wait until we go in.

They make a mess but I place plastic behind the nest to protect the wall.

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City Robbins
by: Anonymous

I have a Robbin nest with four fledging babies.they are on my cement patio in a high rise building in NYC.

What will happen to them as there is no grass in sight?

by: Gene

They will be fine. The adult knows where they need to be.

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Robin Nest Under Deck Again!

by Len Cole
(Uxbridge, ON Canada)

Robin Nest Under Deck on Joist

Robin Nest Under Deck on Joist

I was cooking Hamburgers for my wife and I on our back deck.

I knew there was a Robins nest built on the under hang of the deck at our door entrance above my head.

I was coming in with both hands full, when she took off above my head.....well, the food went flying, and I broke a plate and ruined the food. ... We had a sandwich!

The Robin had three young ones, and we enjoyed watching them grow until their first flight.

After they left for a few days, I removed the nest. This was late May of 2009.

It is now July 13th and I have watched as a new nest has been built in the same spot. There are 2 new eggs!

Do they mate all summer?

If you have any info, let me know.

Thank you
Len Cole
Uxbridge, Ontario, Canada

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Nest In Fake Tree!

by Matt Bushong
(Brisbane, California, USA)

Mama Robin in the Nest

Mama Robin in the Nest

This spring we had robins build a nest in an 8 ft. tree that is in the atrium area of the front door to our house.

At first I did not even see the nest. I saw a big mess of straw below the tree, on the patio entry way. I wondered who'd made the mess.

Then I looked up and a bird suddenly flew out of the tree... just missing my head! It was a Robin. That started our entire "Robin Family Adventure."

Everyday we would see the "mom" Robin sitting in the nest as we would leave for work or taking our son to school.

We would see the male Robin sitting in a tree farther away... chattering at us if we got too close to Momma and her nest. Momma Robin was spooked the first few times we would walk by, but then got used to us.

A few weeks later there were four blue eggs in the nest. Sometime after that the four chicks hatched!

Sadly one of the tiny chicks fell out of the nest and died. The three other chicks began to grow as mom and dad brought them worms.

We left out a small plate below the tree with meal worms, red worms and small pieces of chopped fresh strawberries. They ate well! The chicks began to grow.

Sometimes the mom and dad Robin would stay away from the nest for a while. We got worried and actually hand fed the chicks several times.

Then... when we would walk by... all three chicks would open their mouths in anticipation of food. They began to outgrow the nest and began perching on its outer ledge.

Twice one of the chicks fell out and we had to put them back in the nest. One time the entire nest fell out and we had to put it back. Still... the chicks grew and endured. Mom and Dad Robin hung in there.

All three of the chicks matured enough to fly away! We still see the young Robins in the outer trees near our house from time to time.

The interesting part of this whole Robin story is... that the tree they built their nest in was a fake tree!!!

It had wood and plastic branches and silk leaves! We bought it at Target for $39.95!

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Babys can be left
by: Jenny

Babies can be left for up to 24 hours sometimes and be ok.

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Dartboard Robin Nest

by Vcki Hough
(Bend Oregon)

Robin Nest on the dart board

Robin Nest on the dart board

We have had doves nest in the same place for the last two years we have robins on our deck!

Watching the mother make the nest was fascinating as she brought all the materials and then would wiggle and pack everything down.

Since they were right by our back door, we had to be careful.

Our BBQ is about 10 feet from the next. So we started talking to the birds when they were nesting to make them feel comfortable.

The "momma" seemed to be fine after she saw us many times every day!

Then one morning I found a blue egg on the chair beneath the next and almost panicked thinking that an egg had been pushed out.

But to my surprise, it was just the shells so we had babies!

We could hardly wait to see how many there were!

It was fun to watch the "pappa" guard on our railing while momma went back and forth for food.

Of course when they were a little bigger both of the parents were back and forth.

And today three of the four left the nest.

We have one left and are just watching to see when he will fly!

Vicki Hough

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Light Fixture Robins Nest

by by Linda
(Connecticut, USA)

I had two robins' nests on my house this year. One was in the front (facing south) on top of my drainpipe, and the other was on top of a light fixture on the back of the house, facing north.

I discovered the nest in the back one day when I opened my double sliding doors to go out on the deck.

I enjoy sitting out there to soak up the sunshine and read, especially in the spring before it gets too hot.

When I opened the sliding doors for the first time, I was startled by something flying from the house with a very indignant squawk.

I saw it was a robin, perched in the big maple tree in my back yard watching me, all the while continuing her very indignant screeching. Then I saw her nest.

It was perched on top of the light fixture on the back of the house, right next to the sliding back doors.

Over time, mama robin and I developed an uneasy truce. When I came out on the deck, she would fly away squawking, but once I settled down in my chaise to read, she would return to sit and incubate her eggs.

Eventually, if I moved slowly, she would stay on the nest even as I entered and exited through the sliding back doors.

Still, I often felt that mama robin didn't pick a very good place for her nest. Not only did she have to contend with my comings and goings, but because she nested on the north side, the nest was not very well protected.

There was no direct sunlight, and I was very worried about mama robin and her unhatched eggs when we had a cold spell for a couple of days and the temperature dropped into the 30's at night with a cold north wind.

The nest was not artfully built, because that wind did some damage. When I came out on the deck the next day, I saw pieces of what looked like straw or twigs hanging down from it. It was quite a mess.

Meanwhile, the nest in the front of the house was protected and had warm sunshine most of the day. It was a perfect round nest perched neatly on the drainpipe.

Nevertheless, mama robin and her chicks prevailed. Eventually I saw three hungry mouths poking up out of the nest and had a front row seat watching mama and dad taking turns guarding the nest and feeding their offspring.

Then one day, as I came out on the deck, I heard a thud. I turned to see one of the chicks out of the nest, and I was horrified to think that I had startled it and it had fallen out of the nest when I opened the sliding door.

But I soon realized that the chick had not fallen - it was ready to fly. It hopped across the deck to the back railing and flew off under the railing across the back yard to land under the arborvitae hedge.

That same day, the other two chicks also left the nest. Chick number 2 followed his sibling exactly, hopping across the deck and then flying under the railing to land under the hedge. The last chick, however, took his time.

He stood perched on top of the light fixture for a very long time. I could hear his mother in the maple tree, calling to her offspring to leave the nest.

Finally, the chick landed on the deck, but very uncertainly. He hopped, not across the deck, but sideways, and his first attempt to fly was against the cedar siding of the house which runs along one side of the deck.

He flapped his wings fruitlessly against the house, and I was afraid he'd hurt himself. But eventually he figured it out and he too followed his siblings under the railing and across the yard.

No one returned to the nest after that. But my guests sure left a mess behind, with bird poop running down the drainpipe and the side of my house under the light fixture. Even so, it was worth it to see this new life up close and personal.

Unfortunately I didn't think to take any pictures. But I've since noticed many robins in the two maple trees in my back yard, singing away, so I don't think my guests strayed very far from home.

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Bird nest at light fixture
by: Darlene

We too, have a Robins nest at our front foor light fixture! It faces north and I suppose they get shelter from the overhang at my front door.

I watched daily as the nest was built. Now I believe there may be some eggs there, as they sit often.

We too, have been startled as we leave our home thru the front door, and they fly off, but stay close in the nearby tree, and then return.

We have chosen more often to enter our home from the side door, so we don't disturb them. We eagerly await the babies.

I also enjoy chickadees and sparrows, cardinals, bluejays, and more on my back porch, feeding.

Recently, there has been a documented eagles nest about a mile away, so we get to enjoy those as well.

As God watches over the sparrows, so he watches over us!

Robin nesting in flower box
by: Pam Connecticut

I just filled my flower boxes last Friday. They are on the railing of a second story porch at the back of my house.

On early Sun AM I heard some scraping outside my bedroom slider and later saw some evidence of nest building.

She was very busy yesterday and by noon the nest looked complete--she made room between geraniums and verbena and nested in box right outside the bedroom slider to the porch.

I managed to water the flowers around the nest. She is there again today. Will send pictures soon.

Damm Robins
by: Anonymous

I have robins nesting on porch lights and on my garage opener. I put plastic bags in the lights, seems to help.

Don't know what to do!
by: Anonymous

I had a robin's nest up under my deck, sitting on a wooden beam.

The last robin that inhabited that nest abandoned it, I'm guessing due to egg thieves stealing all her eggs.

A new robin (or maybe the same one) set up shop a few weeks back and I was excited....until I came home last night and found the nest upside down on the ground, one baby dead, one still alive and the mother lying in the mulch next to it all.

I didn't know if the mother was injured or what.

Later, the mother started laying on the baby (pink nestling) in the mulch! Just as if it were her nest.

I didn't think that was a good place, long term, so I was advised by some rehabbers to try to get the nest, set it in a container with drainage and put it in the same place the baby was last.

I did this but the Robin won't lay IN the nest. She is laying next to the nest. What gives?

The nest was a little destroyed but I tried to reshape it again.

Is it too messed up and she won't sit in it now and now I've put the helpless little baby in there?

She seems to be feeding it and it's real hot outside so maybe it doesn't need her warmth.

I'm just SO worried!!!

Some Advice Please
by: Ali

We have a robin nest on our fence door, next to the garage wall. This is the only entrance to our place so we need to use it.

Actually we kept using it as the nest was being built. The robin was flying away whenever we approach but kept coming back and now she already has 2 eggs in it. Now, I rarely see her though.

My question is that if it is going to be okay for us to keep using the door when she starts incubation?

I don't want her eggs to get spoiled because she gets scared and can't sit properly. but I don't know what else we can do?

Atop the decorative tin pouch, next to the porch door!!
by: Anonymous

Well, last year my roommate got a sweet surprise when he saw the robins nest built at eye level by the upper porch door!

They soon got used to each other and momma Robin was content in her nest on her beautiful blue eggs, as roommate traversed through his porch door.

The babies grew up, and this year, there are a lot more robins hanging around!!

Right outside on my old windowsill!
by: Anonymous

A few years back a robin was putting twigs on my old, wooden windowsill to build a nest, but the twigs would then roll off the slant.

After many attempts, I helped out by nailing up there a board, edged with some nails, to hold in the twigs.

Well, the robin finished up the (very nicely built) nest, and days later, I saw her beautiful eggs in the nest.

After that, I could check in on the babies progress any time I wanted to, by lifting the curtain and checking just outside on the sill! What a joy!

by: First Name

I have a wine cork wreath I made when I lived in FL, moved to Tenn and now have it on my back porch.

The nest is still in it. Last week a Robin was in it she had three eggs in it

I moved it from the door to the side of the porch. She comes in and out of it if I come out the door.

No babies yet she is so pretty. Can't believe I still had the nest and another bird is using it.

Hope to see babies soon so beautiful sweet little bird. I named her Sweety.

Robins choose to nest by people
by: Jenny

Robins tend to choose their nests wisely near humans purposefully because we are a deterrent to their predators.

So they know you're going to be coming in and out and that's what they want.

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4wheelin Robin

by Jennifer
(Orange, Vt)

Nest on Tire

Nest on Tire

I was outside this afternoon and I noticed something different about my nephews four Wheeler. There was hay curled up on the back wheel.

I went closer to see what it was and to my surprise it was a robin's nest.

Apparently this robin is into ATV cause she made it her home. Luckily he really does not use it that much.

My six year old daughter thinks this is quite cool.

I told we can not touch the nest and now she wants to learn more about our new neighbors.

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Bird's nest in wheel well
by: Anonymous

A robin has built her nest in my car's wheel well. This was her third nest.

I removed the first two, but went out of town for the weekend and a large nest is now there with one beautiful blue egg.

It breaks my heart to remove it, but I do have to drive my car at some point!

Although I do have another car accessible to me.

Does anyone know how long it takes from eggs to birth and flying away?

Or should I just remove it now then block my tire with wire or wood, etc.

Thanks for your help!

hatching and leaving nest
by: Anonymous

Once the egg/eggs are layed, they hatch in 12 to 14 days. They feed and grow for another 12 to 14 days before flying off :)

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Horse Collar Home

by Terrell Wilson
(Gaffney, SC, USA)

robin nest on horse collar hanging on side of a barn

Robin Nest with Young On Horse Collar

robin feeding chicks nesting on horse collar
Adult Robin Feeding Young

I would never have thought that the Red Breasted Robin would make a nest on the side of my storage barn.

However, to my surprise, this spring, while walking past the building, I saw an unusual site.

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I have an old horse collar hanging on the side of my storage barn, along with some other old farm tools.

I had to take a second look when I saw a robin's nest square on top of it.

I watched the nest as days passed, and took many photos of the robin and the nest itself.

I could hardly wait until I could see little heads popping up from the nest, and could watch the nesting parents presenting the young with delicious worms and bugs.

Oh, what a site to see. God has done such wonderful things!

We watched as the young grew, put on feathers, and began to stretch their wings. Then they began to fly.

The young are now gone, but the nest is not empty, for the female robin has again filled the nest with those beautiful blue eggs.

We anxiously await the birthing of our next young Robins.

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Stange Robin Nest Location

by Suzanne
(Hopkinsville, KY)

First for me!

First for me!

For the second year in a row, a robin has made a nest on my balcony which is totally safe and sheltered. Her eggs have always survived.

Although she picked an odd place this year, it is also safe and we leave it untouched.

Both years, though, she has brought in a second female to take care of her nest, eggs and baby birds when they do hatch.

Is this a normal habit for these birds.

I have never seen this before but I have very limited knowledge of the habits of birds.

This year she built her nest in a frog candle holder before I could put a candle in it.

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Plenty of trees!!!
by: God's Creation

I can not figure out why a Robin has built it's nest in my porch light!

It's babies are hungry and I have four beautiful sugar maple trees.

Are they compromising because of the changes our planet is having?

Males take care of the babies too
by: Jenny

Both male and female robins take care of the whole process from nest building to even after they fly away from the nest for a small period.

I even saw both mom and and dad in the nest the other day above my light.

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Robins Nest on the Ground

by Pam Nagel
(Wyndmere, North Dakota)

Robin Nest in Corner on Ground

Robin Nest in Corner on Ground

We have many robins build nests in our yard every year, but this is the first time I have seen one on the ground.

It is on the rock landscaping against a corner of our house. She built it really close to our walk-in garage door (where everyone enters and exits).

At first she flew away as soon as the door was opened. Now, she is a little braver and lets me walk right by her on my way to get the mail.

Also, it is directly under the outlet from our basement bathroom fan. I worry that the noise scares her away!

There are (obviously) four eggs in the nest in the picture I took about ten days ago. Unfortunately, there are only three now.

Last year, a robin built her nest in our satellite dish.

It was handy for viewing because it was right outside our son's bedroom window.

We kept a close eye on the eggs and then the babies--until a terrible thunderstorm drowned all of them in the nest. It was quite sad.

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In my Satellite Dish???
by: Jackie W

We noticed a nest behind our Satellite Dish that is stuffed underneath the dish. Sometime this affects our signal.

Looked out and could see a nest.

Unsure of what kind I got a ladder to take a peek.

I had no intention of touching anything, but if it were empty I was going to take it down.

I got to the top and saw 2 ugly but beautiful bald baby birds. Eyes not even open yet.

My guess would be they just hatched.

I heard the parents going crazy and flying around and sitting I top of the the house watching me.

They are now 10 days old I am guessing. I could see a beak of one as I looked up.

I couldn't look at the anymore as the parents and friends began to swoop down and attack me, well they tried. I was scared so I got down and moved my ladder.

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Porch light robin

by S. Bryant

Robin Nest on top of Porch Light

Robin Nest on top of Porch Light

What was all that mess on my front porch? Oh, no, some birds were building a nest right on top of my front porch light, next to my front door and just above my mail box.

This didn't seem like a good idea to me, so I cleaned up the stuff that had fallen on the porch floor.

There seemed to be more nesting material on the floor than on the light, so I optimistically -- and unrealistically -- thought this wouldn't last long. Wrong!

This nest was built by a pair of very determined robins.

Luckily, I didn't use my front door much, but USPS came up on the porch for daily mail delivery.

Being disturbed daily seemed like a bad idea for nesting robins, so I went out and bought a mailbox, attached it to a stand with a bungee cord, and posted a sign requesting that no one go up on my porch.

The postal carriers have been very obliging, perhaps because having the mail box out on the sidewalk saves them several steps to and from my porch. (Imagine -- we have home mail delivery!)

The robins and I have accommodated each other.

There are now at least three fledglings who look like they are about ready to leave the nest.

I was looking forward to having my porch and front door back again.

But then I found this website and learned that robins may have up to three broods.

I'm looking forward to having my porch back, but I know I'll miss these lovely birds (and I'm hoping they have short memories and pick another spot next summer!).

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Similar event
by: Anonymous

The very same thing happened to us but it was the light next to the back exit door from my garage to our patio. We let them stay and they fledged four babies successfully.

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What happened?

Robin Nest on Downspout

Robin Nest on Downspout

Last weekend, we noticed a Robin had nested in a nest on top of the downspout of my gutters.

The nest was there from last year and I had meant to knock it down.

My neighbor said that birds would not return to the same nest.

We were thrilled to share our home with this future mother Robin. We noticed the male close by, keeping watch.

I didn't climb up to see if there were eggs. I did not want the bird to feel threatened.

I felt a little uneasy just peeking around the corner to check on her.

This afternoon, I checked. The nest was on the ground and the birds nowhere to be found.

I did not see any eggs around the nest. Could this have been something that the birds did?

The nest was at least 10' above the ground. What predator could have knocked it down?

A very sad end to our story.

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What Happened to Robin Nest
by: Gene

Most likely the old nest had lost contact with the downspout. The birds movements are my guess as to why the nest fell.

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Awkward Nest Location For Robins

by Suzette Ehrlich
(Happy Valley, Oregon USA)

Nest on Security Lights

Nest on Security Lights

I want birds in my yard! I moved in my home 7 years ago.

Although my home is on a big suburban lot, it had lifeless landscaping with hard clay dirt and no wildlife except for a few scampering squirrels using my fence as a short cut.

Every year I spread yards of dirt and compost and acquire new plants.

I now have a very edible backyard full of fruit trees, berries, veggies, and native plants.

With all this new flora, I am finally getting birds!

A friend of mine who is a master gardener scolded me for over tidying my yard in the winter because all the dying debris make good homes for critters.

To my amazement, I got to witness that all my dry plant debris became building fodder for nest building.

Through my kitchen window, I have been watching a pair of Robins tugging on my dry grasses, going through my planters, flying around with building materials in his beak. It has been so fun to watch. 

In Oregon, we have so much rain, that I am behind in my gardening. So today I finally got out in my backyard to garden.

I spent about four hours out there while these Robins flew from tree to fence watching me.

This delighted me as I have a special place in my heart for Robins because as a teenager, I successfully saved a baby and raised it to adulthood to let her fly away to find a mate the following spring.

Now my story becomes worrisome.

As I went up on the deck, I saw that the Robins have been making their nest in my light fixture which is right by a sliding glass door and only 8 feet high.

I am worried that they chose a place that will have too much traffic or commotion.

My plan is to no longer use that door nor turn on the light. I will be calm and quiet when outside.

The nest may be abandoned. Time will tell. I am hoping for babies...wish us luck! I will update the results...

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Robins on Light Fixture
by: Gene

Computer glitches! Didn't see this story for 2 weeks.

How did the Robins do on the porch light? Hopefully you got to see the babies fledge.

by: Suzette

So far so good! The nest fell down, so I pushed the lights closer together and put the nest back.

I thought about moving it to a different location, but the information on this site said they prefer the exact location...well they continued building and laid eggs May 1st.

The last day of building the nest, they mated several times all the while the female had nesting material in her beak.

They seem very comfortable with me around. Also they are the fattest robins in the state!

So much that I am calling the male Fatty.

I expect babies in about 5 more days. I will update and try to get pics.

Robin in the Garage
by: Matt

I am in the process of building a detached garage.

A Robin liked it so much it built a nest above a window before I even got the roof on.

At first I tried to avoid building but soon realized they didn't seem concerned with me around.

Over the past month I have built the whole garage around them and the Robins didn't care at all.

Both parents even got stuck in the attic this week and I had to go up and grab them out.

I thought for sure that would scare them away from their babies but an hour later, to my delight, they came right next to me to grab up worms and bring them to the nest.

We have 3 babies that are ready to fly.

I cannot believe how comfortable these birds are around people!

porch life
by: Anonymous

I've got a flower pot on my deck a robin decided to nest in.

Rock fell in Robin's nest
by: Trevor

I had a Robin nesting on my deck earlier this spring and I watched her raise three chicks and send them into the world.

After they left I was moving some planters around and a small rock fell in the empty nest.

I didn't think anything of it since they had all left but now she is back and I can see two new eggs in there with the rock.

Would it hurt to remove the rock? Or should I leave it alone? The mother doesn't seem to care.

rock in nest
by: Gene

If it's not too big she can push it to the side. As long as it doesn't interfere with her ability to incubate it shouldn't be a problem.

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Baby Robins in our Light!

by Kim
(Cookeville, Tennessee)

Baby Robin in Nest on Light

Baby Robin in Nest on Light

Baby Robins!
The baby robins are being raised right outside our back door, in our light fixture!

The babies hatched on mother's day after about 16 days of incubation. There were 4 blue robin eggs and now four little robins.

We love to watch them and mom and dad Robin are even comfortable feeding their young while we are observing!

The parents always stay close by, and we've gotten some really great photos of them. In the pictures above, the babies are now 5 days old.

Such a wonderful and neat experience to be able to share with my children.

We are hoping for a successful fledging period for all of them!

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Porch light. Motion lights.
by: Bnelson

As a firefighter for more than 30 years I have seen at least a half a dozen fires started by bird nest over motion/security lights on homes.

The bulbs can get very hot and can ignite the dry materials the nest is made of.

If you decide to leave the nest alone and let nature run it's course.

Then I suggest removing the bulb or turning off the light at the switch.

Put a piece of tape over the switch so it can't be turned on. Thanks and stay safe. b. nelson

another choice
by: Gene

If you want a light, choose an LED as temps are usually under 110 degrees. High wattage lamps do indeed have the ability to start fires.

Unless you're wanting to fry the eggs or birds, replace them with lower wattage LED's. :)

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They Won't Find Me Here

by Josee
(North Bay Ont. Canada)

Robin Nest on Ladder

Robin Nest on Ladder

Robin Nest on My Ladder

Three years ago this mama Robin built her nest just over my back door, perched on my motion sensor flood light.

Last year the light finally gave and it pulled it right out of its socket.

That not being an option this year, she found a new strange spot to build.

Not the sturdiest of perches as one good wind gust could topple the ladder, but she is still there.

Brooding like a pro and protecting her young from the multitude of squirrels and blackbirds that live and play in and around my backyard.

I love watching them in action and will prepare an official and safe Robin's perch for years to come.

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Hungry Robin Redbreasts Hatch

by Iris Miller
(Greenwich,NY 12834)

Hungry Robin Redbreast, feed me!

Hungry Robin Redbreast, feed me!

Robin Nesting on Light Fixture

Of all places, and many large old trees, this Mama Robin redbreast was very smart to chose a light fixture with an overhang out of the rain, next to the garage door.

The 4 lucky babies have very attentive parents, what a thrill to watch this family of Robins thrive.

Yesterday I saw them clambering over each other all feathered and ready to go.

I missed the exodus mid morning, and would love to see a video of fledglings first flight out of the nest.

There was lots of singing in the trees this morning and afternoon.

I hope they all made it safely out, and away from the neighbor's sneaky cat.

I am sorry the door pictures of the nest flipped sideways when posted.

I don't know how to correct it.

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Video of Baby Robins Leaving Nest
by: Anonymous

Here is video of baby robins leaving the nest.

On Deck
by: BirdNest

Hi I am looking for some help. A robin built a nest on my deck about a foot from my sliding glass door where I let the dog in and out to the backyard.

What should I do? When the birds fledge, will they be on my deck? Should I move the dog?

I startled the bird a few times :(

Thanks for your help?

Robin Nest Too Close
by: Gene

The Robin, if she doesn't abandon the nest due to too much in and out will start to get upset after the eggs hatch when you are around.

Initially the dog probably won't bother her.

The young may leave the nest within two weeks of hatching. That would be the time to be careful with the dog.

Also, you can startle the young and cause them to jump too soon and they won't stay in the nest even if you capture them and place them back.

No one can be sure where they'll end up at first, just stay with your dog at this time. Walk it on a leash if it helps.

Moving the nest will cause abandonment and it's also illegal. Good Luck.

bird question
by: dlb

My original question is and was how many times can robins hatch/make eggs? Should be a simple question.

My robins clean out their hatched egg parts all over the driveway. I don't want to get rid of them.

If, this is not killing their hatch. I can clean the nests, will I kill them? If I can clean their nest I will kill them. Dave

to Dave
by: Gene

Not sure what exactly your question is but Robins generally raise 2 broods each year. Each brood is about 4 eggs or less.

Robins do not drop eggs or parts everywhere. Some they eat and others they may remove from the nest.

It's illegal to disturb an active nest. Are you sure they are Robins and not another species of bird? Could you make your question clearer?

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