Hummingbirds Caught In Snow

by Cindy
(California Desert Mountains)

hummingbird feeding with snow all around

hummingbird feeding with snow all around

Feeding Hummingbirds in Snow

Worrying about the fact that my Fushia flowers were just about gone due to the changing seasons.

I hurried out and bought a hummingbird feeder, so my little visitors would not be without.

Since the feeders weren't in season. I was worried that I might not find one, as fast as I needed one.

Fortunately, in the back corner of the store, I found the only three left.

These precious little hummingbird beauties were staying much longer than one would have expected, due to our "Cold" weather.

I worried so much about them when we had an unexpected snow storm.

I can't help but to think, that having this little bit of energy would assist them in making it to warmer places.

The snow stayed for a good week And then, was over.

The pair of Hummingbirds that had stayed with us for a few months in the fall, had held out just a bit longer.

After the snow had gone, drinking all they could get, they were on their way.

It makes one feel so good to know that just with a little effort, one can help sustain these little ones through their hardships.

I'm hoping I will see them again one day soon.

Cindy, So Calif. High Desert Mtns.

Comments for Hummingbirds Caught In Snow

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Feb 06, 2010
Awesome Picture
by: Ronda

I know that it's almost a year later, but I just recently found this site, when I stumbled on your story & pic. WOW! Poor little thing. I'm sure what you did saved his life.

We live in SE Michigan where we get some bad winters. Have never seen a hummer past oct here.

I have a huge deck & plant tons of flowers every year, as well as putting out feeders for the little sweeties.

I plant just about everything from seed & when everything starts to bloom, it's a mega buffet for the little guys.

My neighbor accused me of stealing her birds, I have so many flowers for them. They are such awesome creatures.

Thanks for sharing your story.

Mar 05, 2009
So 'touchingly' sweet
by: Marlene

This was such a touching wonderful you were able to buy a feeder! The little guy looked like he was sooo hungry.

I'm sure the other Hummingbirds you became friends with will be back in the Spring....such a good friend you are to them.

Thanks so much for sharing this I said it really 'touched' my heart/

Perhaps when your tiny friends return in the Spring you'll be able to take some great pictures of them...they are so amazing looking with their long 'sword-like' beaks and 'whirling' wings and their 'irridescent' colors.

Thanks so much for making my day!

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Hummingbird Rescue

by Marie Ford
(Fountain Valley, CA)

A few years back, after a gusty windstorm, my husband found a lifeless hummingbird on the grass outside our motorhome.

He felt it would be a neat experience for our young daughters to see a hummingbird "at rest" and up close, so he scooped it up in his hand and yelled for us to come see what he had found.

He was right, the girls were mesmerized. As I leaned in for a closer look, I saw the slightest movement of the eyes. Upon closer inspection, I could see a dry tongue sticking out of the end of the long, needle-like bill.

We quickly discussed what could be done for this incredible, delicate creature when my young daughter said "I know, Capri Sun!".

She had remembered the sugary sweet mixture we had mixed for our hummingbird feeder the year before, and felt that the juice drink would be a good alternate.

I quickly ran in for the necessary supplies- One Capri Sun, one teaspoon and my camera. The photos tell the rest of the story...

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Hummingbird Nest Photo

by John
(Cheraw, Colorado)

Last week when my wife and I went to the garage to get in the car, we noticed a small bird on the ground.

We immediately thought it was a baby bird that had fallen out of it's nest. After looking at the bird, we realized that it was an adult hummingbird that for whatever reason was in the process of dying.

We put the bird up in the tree so that the cats wouldn't notice it. Upon doing that we noticed a nest in the tree above where the adult bird was on the ground.

The nest (pictured below) had three eggs in it. We were amazed by the nest and the tiny size of the eggs.

When we returned from our trip, we caught a quick glimpse of another bird on the nest. It immediately left when we came around.

Not knowing hummingbird habits, we assumed that the colorful bird that had passed away was the male and the bird on the nest was the female.

At that point we decided to do what we could for the mother on the nest. We bought a hummingbird feeder and premade food for the feeder and hung it in the area close to the nest.

We have seen the mother use the feeder.

This occurred on June 5th, 2011 and the mother is still sitting on the nest today on June 12th.

My wife and I are totally adsorbed in this project of watching over this nest. We would appreciate any advice that anybody could give us.

How long will it take for the eggs to hatch; how long will the babies be in the nest and what can we do to help?

We have been unable to get a good picture of the mother on the nest.


Comments for Hummingbird Nest Photo

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Jun 13, 2011
by: Karen

How lucky you are to have the opportunity to observe these beautiful little birds! If you are able to get an aerial view without disturbing the nest, we would all love to see a picture of the little ones when they hatch!

I don't know much about hummingbirds except that I enjoy watching them use my feeder, but here is the link on this site to read about their habits. Hummingbirds

Jun 13, 2011
by: Marianne

What a wonderful story. Thank you so much for sharing for the rest of us to enjoy. Best of Luck to you and your new family.

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