Do Hummingbirds Communicate with Us?
by Jason
Jason notice that his hummingbirds seem to be alerting him when his feeders were low. He asked, are they communicating with us? Other readers chime in.
Noticing a Pattern: When Hummingbirds Need a Refill
Hummingbird Visiting My Feeder
I have about 4-5 different hummingbirds that feed from the 2 feeders hung in my backyard.
When the feeders go empty, I swear the little birds alert me to this.
This has happened at least 6 times now and each of those times the feeders were empty.
As soon as I would open the sliding glass door and step outside onto the patio, I was immediately greeted by one of the male hummingbirds.
A Close Encounter: Eye-Level Interactions with Hummingbirds
This one particular male would zip down from the Brazilian Pepper tree, stop at eye level, and be under two feet away from my face.
He would always hover there for 3-5 seconds then would dart off. I have no idea if this is a common behavior or not.
It seems they can or are trying to communicate with us on some level, particularly in this case.
Its actions were pretty deliberate and this hadn't happened when the feeders had nectar in them.
They will also buzz my head when I'm out in the yard following the initial greeting.
Understanding Hummingbird Behavior: Are They Communicating
To me, it's all to say, "Time to refill the feeders"!
What are everyone else's experiences and ideas about this behavior?
Do yours act differently? Let me know in the comments.