Bluebirds From Heaven
by Denise Gardner Dunn
Are Bluebirds Sent From Heaven?
Sometimes we see the favorite birds of a loved one shortly after he/she passes.
Are these birds a comforting sign from heaven?
Denise shares her story below. Feel free to add your comments or start a new page with your experiences.
I want to share a special story that touches my heart about my bluebirds, that started several years ago.
My father, who lives 600 miles from me was building bluebird houses for the Lions Club, and they were selling them.
I kept bugging him and telling him I wanted a bluebird house. He kept promising me one.
In Easter of 2008, Dad was at my house visiting in Florida, and we were sitting out in the yard talking about the birds and ducks we were watching.
I turned to Dad, and said, "Yeah, where are my bluebird houses?"
With that little mischievous grin, he said.."Maybe Santa will bring them for Christmas!"
My father hasn't been well, and I didn't bring the subject up again.
As Christmas approached, my father's health was failing.
He had been fighting incurable cancer.
I knew he was in no shape to build me those bluebird houses, but I really wanted to attract bluebirds to my yard.
So, after the first of the year, I purchased 2 bluebird houses from the local Walmart, and my husband and I picked two places in the yard and installed them.
We wanted to get them up for the early Spring.
In February, my father took a turn for the worse, and I made the trip to North Carolina to see him at the hospital and visited for 5 days.
The day I returned, I got out of the car and walked around to my front yard, to talk to my aunt that was standing in the yard.
While we were standing there, a bluebird landed in the grass.
"How Ironic," I thought. I looked at my aunt and said...half-jokingly, " I wonder if he will move into my house".
Several days later my husband (Dwight) saw the bluebird again.
Three weeks later, my father passed away, and again I made the trip to North Carolina for the funeral services.
My husband was also having radiation for Cancer and couldn't go with me, but we stayed in constant contact on the phone.
As I was driving home from my father's funeral, Dwight called me, and said " You aren't going to believe what I am doing." Of course, I wanted to know!
He said, " I am sitting here watching a Bluebird make a nest in the Bluebird house!"
I was so excited and felt a special calmness come over me.
No one will ever convince me that my father didn't have a hand in placing those bluebirds in my yard.

Male Bluebird Bringing Female Food
We had Bluebird babies Fledge last week, and now, they are busy making another nest!
Dad has been gone for not quite two months, and I miss him terribly, but in my heart, I know these bluebirds are a sign that everything is okay, and can't help but feel Dad is watching over me.
Do you know what my father called all of us children when he couldn't remember our names? ( there were 5 of us) growing up.
He would just say.."hey, bird.........." No matter who he was speaking to.
Several weeks ago, my husband and I went camping in our motor home, which we bought from my dad last year when it was determined he was too ill to travel.
We took it out over Easter weekend, and when we pulled into our yard, I saw the bluebird on the bluebird house.
I grabbed my camera and went to take a picture.
As I was focusing on the one on the roof, another bluebird stuck her head out the hole, and I got them both!
She was sitting on the eggs, and the male came to feed her.
Since then, the babies have hatched, and fledged, and the pair are busy making another nest.
I love birds, of all kinds. But these bluebirds are very very special.
Thanks for allowing me to share my story.