The Baby Robin Named Joe Robin-son

by Lisa

Outside on my deck, I have a pergola and Momma robin built a nest in it.

It wasn't the ideal place to build a nest as it was narrow to raise a family of 3.

My American Baby Robin Story

So Momma took care of her young babies in the nest despite its inability to hold her babies.
two baby robins in nest

Unfortunately, one fell out of the nest (it was completely formed but without a solid coat of feathers) and it was lying on the deck.

I picked it up and my 23-month-old grandson watched.

It was cold and I knew it was dead; I explained to my curious little grandson it was a baby bird.

I wrapped up the baby bird and put it aside to bury later.

I went inside to wash my hands and I heard my grandson (who just started talking) yelling "bird, bird, bird."

Not sure what he saw or was doing I ran outside to find him pointing to the ground at another baby robin who had fallen out of the nest.
baby robin on ground

I gently picked it up and placed it back up in the nest and it fell out again so I placed it back up in the nest again.

It was in the nest but its head was hanging out and I didn't think it was going to be okay.

I rechecked the bird that evening to find it in the same position and then again the very next morning.

When I looked in the am, it was not in the position I last saw it.

I scoured the area to see if it had fallen out of the nest and was lying on the deck and it was nowhere to be found.

So, I waited and watched as Momma flew into the nest and I saw 2 little heads pop up for Momma to feed them.

Whew, relieved they both were alive!

But it was only a few days later that the nest became too small as the little birds grew and one fell out but Momma would not let me near the nest to put it back.

I had no choice but to care for the little one. I got a shoe box and began to care for it myself.

As it got bigger it eventually moved out of the shoebox and lived free range on puppy pee pads by my deck door.

Momma continued to feed Joe by coming on the deck and meeting the baby to feed it.
robin feeds young on deck

I would retrieve Joe to come back inside for safekeeping and we did this for days.

At night, Joe would sleep as soon as the sun went down and be awake chirping at 6:10 am to be fed.

Our baby Robin Joe, became a neighborhood icon, everybody was in amazement that I was raising this bird.

The baby Robin would perch on me, and Momma trusted me enough that she came close to me for its feedings.

Everyone who watched could not believe the sight of Momma feeding Joe right in front of their eyes.

I left Joe out a few evenings ago for a feeding and he proceeded to fly away into a nearby tree.

I tried my best to get him back inside as I feared a ground predator would get him if he stayed out all night.

However, despite the rainy night, I found Joe (by the sound of his chirp) the next day in a tree a few houses away not far from my home.

This morning I heard Joe close by under a neighbor's deck.

I was able to pet him and have him crawl on my hand and he seemed very comfortable with our familiarity.
baby robin on womans shoulder

I hope that Joe will stay in the area as he is an important lesson in nature and part of my life.

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by: Anonymous

What a great story! Joe is adorable and looking healthy!

Update on Joe Robin Bird
by: Lisa

Hey there- just an update on Joe. He continues to thrive and be visible in my backyard.

His tail feathers have grown in length and he is quicker on foot as he scurries away from me when I try to get close to him.

His distinct chirp lets me know he is nearby and hungry awaiting a feeding from his Momma.

What an amazing experience this has been for myself and my neighbors who ask me daily, "have you seen Joe today?"

I have taught them to listen for Joe's chirp so they too know his whereabouts.

Loved reading your story
by: Anonymous

What a wonderful story, I so enjoyed reading it. Birds are so smart.

I too love my visiting birds (Doves), they return every year, and each year stay a little longer with more broods, this year our dove is on her 4th brood of babies. So fun to watch.

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