Baby Robins Have Flown the Nest
by Ellen
(Rochester, New York)
Robins Have Flown The Nest
We discovered a Robin nest early this spring on our 2nd-floor drainpipe next to our bedroom window; it was still pretty cold at night and mommy bird faithfully sat on those eggs.

Friends Photo of Robin Nest and Eggs
I heard the male
Robin sing every day and saw both coming and going once the eggs hatched. We couldn't see it at first.
Eventually, we got a look after they were born with a camera taped to a piece of wood or holding a mirror when the parents were away. It was a fascinating experience.
I sang songs and whistled songs every day to the Robins and we had some non-verbal communication.
Once in a while, I threw out a couple of blueberries and I saw a Robin pick them up.
When I got a look in the nest there were 3 huge babies crowded in the nest; the next day the nest was totally empty.
I would continue to Whistle and call them and I do think the male would come sit on the roof next door briefly and look at me.

Baby Robin Waiting on Food
Now it is September and for the past two or three weeks maybe, I hardly see any Robins hanging around.
I haven't heard the male Robin's song since maybe the end of July.
And since the little red berries in my backyard disappeared I haven't seen any Robins hanging around at all.
I did see a few when I would take a walk around the block but not lately.
In fact, for the past week or so I have not seen any Robins, not even one.
I miss them and I do hope they return next year.
We still have the nest up but will probably take it down soon if we can get at it.
Whether or not they will build another nest in the same spot is hard to say.
We never have had a bird's nest before that close to the house that I know of.
It was well protected from rain and perhaps other birds by large eaves on the house but I worried because it was so high up.
We never did see the Robins eggs but I put a picture in from a friend of mine who discovered a nest in bushes low to the ground in their backyard.
However, I don't think those Robins made it as they were hidden but were close to the ground.

Robin Bringing Food
A friend of mine who does gardening there told me when he looked there were eggs on the ground and not just shells.
I don't know whether the Robins on my house made it or not; I can only hope so.
I still miss seeing them every day.